Hello Friends!

Welcome to ORIGIN, where we are all ORIGIN Points: Something great has the potential of beginning with each of us.


Do you want to learn how to intentionally live your legacy?


The Blog

  • With Thanksgiving
    A Thanksgiving Poem The turkey, the stuffing, the eating, the laughing, Exchanging of stories and reliving the glories Of days…
  • Sundays, Hammocks, and Baked Oatmeal
    The Perfect Place To Start ~ ORIGIN Recipes Story as told by Bill It was a sunny Sunday afternoon.  I…
  • You Are Not The Sum Of Your Ancestors
    The Active Pursuit of Goodness ORIGIN Points ~ Beginning Anew Friends! I am so excited to introduce my next blog…
  • A Portrait of Love
    A Grandad’s gift to his granddaughter. – Legacy Series  Thank you Ana Quintero for sharing part of your legacy story. …
  • 12 Practical Ways to Enrich Your Legacy
    Hello Friends! Welcome back to ORIGIN. Today I walk you through 10 practical ways you can enrich your life and…
  • 5 Questions to Initiate Enriching Conversation
    It was a rainy day… I could hear the soft rain and rumbling thunder as I listened to my sweet…