Hello Friends! Welcome back to ORIGIN. Today I walk you through 10 practical ways you can enrich your life and your legacy. 

What we consume affects how we think, talk, process, and feel. That’s why it’s so important to be mindful about who we choose to spend time with, and what we put into our body and mind. 

Legacies are long lasting. Let us invest our time into things that will sustain our legacy. 

I hope you find this list helpful!

  1. Text 1 ( or 5, or more friend(s) letting them know how they encourage you and why you are thankful to be friends. Be specific. 
  2. Go for a 30 minute walk. Don’t bring your phone (or bring it to measure the distance, but put it on silent and don’t listen to music or a podcast. On this walk, think of 5 (or more) things you are thankful for. Listen to the birds (birds singing is one of my favorite sounds). 
  3. Memorize your favorite bible verse or quote. Recite it as you walk to class, are at work, in the restroom, and as you are waiting for your microwave dinner to cook. Think about why you chose that verse or quote. What does it mean to you? 
  4. Practice giving the benefit of the doubt. As much as we would like to believe, we don’t know everything that is going on, so don’t assume the worst in people. Expect the best and speak life. 
  5. Ask questions. The next conversation you have with a friend, only ask them questions and reply with affirmation to their answers. Don’t speak unless asked a question. Be genuinely curious about their life. 
  6. Take only one picture. We are very blessed with being able to take multiple pictures at once (to get that flawless selfie). Treasure the moment. Take a single photo. Find the beauty in its flaws. Print it off. And fill an album with “one shot wonders.” 
  7. Mentor someone. Invest in someone else on a deep level. Share with them what you are learning. Grow with them. 
  8. Seek out a mentor! We are not made to grow on your own. Ask someone you admire and respect to invest in you. 
  9. Spend time with the elderly. Ask them about their life. Learn from them. Then write them a note thanking them for their time and let them know how they impacted you. 
  10. Learn from those younger than you. We always have something to learn and the youth bring a unique perspective worth listening to. Let us not assume we know more just because we are older. 
  11. Postpone your coffee/tea order. Next time you want to buy a coffee, buy one for a friend instead (not in addition to). Or postpone your next 5 coffee trips and use that money to donate to a local charity. A little savings goes a long way. Think longevity. Your coffee will provide temporary joy/energy. Your gift to others will last much longer and go much deeper. 
  12. Enjoy the little things. Whatever that looks like for you. For me, this may be taking out my china for breakfast, taking the time to cook a big dinner, or sitting in front of my window and just watching the cows.  

These tips are life practices. They are simple! But they foster longevity of the soul. 

Remember, everyone is different. These are tips that have enriched my soul. Maybe they will enrich yours as well. 

I’d also love to hear what tips you may have! Contact me and let me know!

Happy Soul-Filling, 

Caralee Rose