The Perfect Place To Start ~ ORIGIN Recipes

Story as told by Bill

It was a sunny Sunday afternoon.

 I was lounging in the hammock after a nice lunch, talking with friends in the front yard.

And that’s when I spotted her. 

The beautiful dark blonde adorned with grace and elegance.

And she was walking my way. 

She was wearing high waisted jeans and a t-shirt that read “Those who can teach and those who can’t go into a different line of work.”

Hmm. I like that. 

The mystery woman came over and said hello to her friends in the group. 

I guess she lived in this house… but I had never seen her before… I definitely would have remembered. 

“Who’s that?” I asked my friends indiscreetly as she was walked into the house. 

After inquiring, I went into the house and followed her to the kitchen where she was beginning to make something…

“What is your name?” I asked. 

“Marge” She replied as she looked up with her beautiful green eyes. 

“Nice to meet you. My name is Bill… So what are you baking?” 

“Oh, it’s called baked oatmeal” She replied with a smile.

“Baked oatmeal… sounds good. What is it though?” I asked.

“Good question” She replied. “And you may find out in just a bit if you stay long enough.” 

Well I definitely stayed long enough. And it was lovely… Just like her.  

As I left the house that afternoon, I knew I had to see Marge again. 

Hmmm. I’ll just have to call her later for the baked oatmeal recipe…

25 years later and Marge is still making baked oatmeal for Bill. But now she makes it for my sister and I too. 🙂  Yes, you guessed it, the baked oatmeal queen is my dear mother.  

Today I thought it best to take a little break and have fun with a true love story and a yummy recipe 🙂 

I love hearing my parents tell this story. It truly was the beginning of something great. I am so thankful for the love they have for each other and for the love they have shown my sister and I. 

And I thank God for baked oatmeal. 

Rhoda’s Baked Oatmeal


4 eggs, beaten and ⅔ cup oil


 4 cups old fashioned rolled oats 

2 cups milk or yogurt

4 tsp. Baking powder

2 tsp. Vanilla Extract


Raisins, Diced Apples, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Chocolate Chips, Pumpkin, Pecans, Peanut Butter, Juice Plus Complete, 

Bake at 350˚ for ~ 25 minutes. 

Top with 100% Pure Maple Syrup (heated – as my dad prefers it) 😉

When I make it, I add the cinnamon, apples, nutmeg, and pecans (I eyeball the add ins… apologies). Such a decadent treat I will hopefully make for my family one day. 

It can be eaten for breakfast, dinner, or anytime in between. It is a simple and timeless meal to be enjoyed with those you love. 

I hope you try this sometime! If you do, I would love to know what you add in it! 

Happy cooking,

Caralee Rose

Hearing the stories of how people met are easily one of my favorite things to listen to. Do you enjoy this as well? Do you have a lovely love story that could be shared on this blog? Email me and let me know! 

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