A Thanksgiving Poem

The turkey, the stuffing, the eating, the laughing,

Exchanging of stories and reliving the glories

Of days gone by.

The feeling of knowness 

And the annoyance of closeness

We wouldn’t trade. 

Because family will forever be always.

Pumpkin Pie and Togetherness

I could smell the aroma of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and stuffing as I walked through my grandma’s door. 

“I hope she made pumpkin pie” I thought to myself as I rounded the kitchen corner.

Much to my relief there they were: two beautifully round and succulent  pumpkin pies, waiting to be devoured.

“Not until we’ve eaten dinner, Caralee,” my mother stated, reading my mind — She does that well. 

Oh right – The dinner – yes. First things first. 

So I took my seat at the kids table with my sister and two cousins where we laughed until our stomachs hurt and ate until we could eat no more. 

But after dinner was always my favorite (besides eating pumpkin pie of course ;). This is when we would go outside and my grandpa, uncles, and dad would chop wood, my cousins and sister and I would play with dirt and run around and my grandma, aunts, and mom would make sure the kitchen was ready for round two before they joined us all outside. 

I loved this time because we were simply together.

It is the simplicity of togetherness that my soul holds dear.

A Note

With Thanksgiving here, I am sure there are many mixed feelings circling your family. Some of you may not be with all your family members, while others may be grieving the loss of a  loved one.

Each family’s narrative looks  different this year, even if things might be carrying on as normal.

I know some of you are finding it hard to be thankful this Thanksgiving season and my heart goes out to you… 

This verse from the Bible has brought me comfort throughout the year of 2020. Maybe it will bring you some comfort too… 

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

Even amidst all that has happened this year, we still have a reason to be thankful. Let’s dwell on that today.

I wish you and your loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving!

I am so very thankful for all of you,

Caralee Rose

P.S. Do you have a favorite Thanksgiving recipe? 

P.P.S. I hope you know there are many people out there who are thankful for the blessing you are to them… walk with that knowledge today.

One Reply to “With Thanksgiving”

  • Thank you so much for your inspirational posts. Simply being together is truly the most precious gift!

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