The Active Pursuit of Goodness

ORIGIN Points ~ Beginning Anew


I am so excited to introduce my next blog series: ORIGIN Points ~ Beginning Anew.  

This series provides deeper insight into the world of how we should operate as ORIGIN points. Being an ORIGIN point is not based on passively letting your life go by, but is all about being an active player in the beautiful story of life. There is beauty even in the ashes

This week we unpack the first post of the series: You are Not the Sum of Your Ancestors

This title may have you confused. “But Caralee, haven’t you been saying we reflect our ancestors? And isn’t this why you have this blog? So we can create connection and live with understanding and grace???”

The answer is yes.

It is important to recognize the influence of our ancestors on our lives, but it is equally important to understand we are not the sum of their lives. We can break patterns, create healthy ones, and reshape the trajectory of our life to positively influence future generations. 

To begin living anew, we first must believe we are capable of living a new life, with new patterns and new thoughts. 

This is often easier said than done and takes the intentional pursuit of goodness. 

And just remember… 

We are all ORIGIN Points: Something great has the potential of beginning with each of us. 

For some of you, this may be hard to believe. You may feel trapped in your generational patterns, unable to break its stronghold; struggling to get up after being beaten and bruised.

I hear you. And I hurt with you. 

But yet, there comes beauty from ashes. 

And we, my friends, can begin anew. 

The very thought of beginning is one that involves action. The beginning of a movie requires the actors to start moving, speaking (even in silent films), and putting the heavily edited script into action.  

So let’s begin. And actively pursue goodness

Emphasis on the word ACTIVE. As I mentioned before, being an ORIGIN point is an ACTIVE state of being, not a PASSIVE one. This does not mean you have to have a confrontational personality, because I believe everyone is created to live a PROACTIVE life. This simply means living in the reality that you are capable of influencing the world around you for the better. In fact, it is part of your responsibility as a human.

If I could get paid to be your personal cheerleader, I would totally do that. Because seriously… GO YOU! The human race is way more resilient than we often think, and YOU are created to work, to build, to create, to relate, to love, to think, and to act as an independent individual. 

Many of you may not have the freedom to do that. But still know that YOU are created to be an ORIGIN point. Something great has the potential of beginning with you. 

Believe that..

And stop playing video games until 4am, stop binge watching Netflix, stop scrolling through social media for hours, stop eating whatever you want, and stop accepting toxicity in relationships.

Our lives are worth more and are created for more. Living for ourselves will never be enough though. We are made to live for and actively participate in a story greater than us.   

A lot of things in life we can’t control.

So let’s be diligent about the things we can control.

BECAUSE whether you may think it or not, there are people out there in the world who are in need of your unique presence. 

Your life impacts those around you now and will continue to make an impact on future generations.

Think about that.

Here is a practical exercise I want us to do.

  1. Identify 3 generational patterns you want to break. Write them down. And explain why you want to break them. Describe the hurt they have caused you and how you would like it to be different. – You may be thinking of something you are currently struggling with. Whether you know it or not, your struggle could be generational. It is likely your personal struggles throughout life may be similar to those of your ancestors. They may manifest differently, but the root may be the same.
  1. Write out a practical plan of how to execute your ORIGIN Point. How are you going to be disciplined in breaking this pattern? How will you stay strong in the midst of adversity? Do you need accountability? Talk to a mentor. I will tell you one thing. YOU CAN’T DO THIS ALONE. Voicing your ORIGIN Point desire and articulating out loud your plan to a trusted mentor or friend will help create accountability, but also it will simply provide much needed encouragement! 
  1. Look at families and individuals you admire and respect. What do you love about them? What do you want to be a part of your ORIGIN Point? Write them a note thanking them for being a part of your life and telling them what you admire about them or their family. 

Beginning anew takes effort. Allow yourself time to mourn what you wish was, to accept what is, and to be excited for your future and the futures of generations who will be impacted by your intention and discipline to be a diligent ORIGIN Point. 

Go you! You are resilient and worth more than gold.

Caralee Rose 🙂

I’ve given us a lot to digest this week. If you have any specific questions or comments, reach out to me via email or keep the conversation going by commenting below! How did this post impact you? What are your thoughts after reading it?